Simply Inspired
Coaching & Facilitation
Jolie Engelbrecht, Life & Executive Coach

Jolie Engelbrecht is a sought after Speaker,Facilitator and Master Executive & Life Coach who works with individuals who are ready to let their souls shine brightly. She loves to see the best in others and brings her 'Outrageously Happy' attitude to everything she does.
She bought her first retail store at 19 and discovered a passion for training, helping people create amazing service environments, balanced lives and successful businesses. She has extensive background in the communications industry. She has never stopped learning and growing and is excited to share her ideas.
Jolie is thrilled to be working with the International Tele-Film,Certified Coaches Federation, Healthy Wealthy and Wise and other awesome companies involved in giving people the tools to create a better world for themselves and others.
She loves facilitating workshops that allow people to step into their daily life with a smile, a spring in their step, and an enhanced sense of purpose…she can’t wait to help you and your business move to the next level.